
under the film Learn more about under the film

  • Why do a large number of rotten fruits of chili peppers

    Why do a large number of rotten fruits of chili peppers

    Recently, a large number of rotten fruits appeared in chili peppers stored by vegetable farmers with "live plant preservation" method, and the main reasons were summarized after in-depth understanding. The temperature in the shed is too high and the temperature in the small arch shed is higher than that in the small arch shed. As the pepper was covered with a film after being pulled out, the temperature under the film exceeded 25 ℃ at noon on a sunny day.

  • Cultivation technique of drip Irrigation under plastic Film of Radix Paeoniae Rubra

    Cultivation technique of drip Irrigation under plastic Film of Radix Paeoniae Rubra

    The cultivation technology of drip irrigation under film of Radix Paeoniae Rubra is a famous wild authentic traditional Chinese medicine, which has a long history of application in traditional Chinese medicine, has a wide range of uses, the market demand is relatively rigid, and a considerable amount is used for export. The growth cycle of Radix Paeoniae Rubra is longer.

  • Agronomic matching techniques of drip Irrigation under plastic Film for Cotton

    Agronomic matching techniques of drip Irrigation under plastic Film for Cotton

    Drip irrigation technology under plastic film is a combination of drip irrigation technology and plastic film mulching cultivation technology. water is supplied through a controllable pipeline system, and after the fusion of water and fertilizer, drip by drop can be transported uniformly, regularly and quantitatively, infiltrating the root development area of crops. always keep the root soil loose and the best water-bearing state. The evaporation among crops is reduced and the utilization rate of water is improved. First, the irrigation system buried drip irrigation, a total of 175.48 million cubic meters of water. Drip water 9 times. Precision drip irrigation consumes a total of 177.84 million cubic meters. Drip

  • Cultivation Techniques for Cotton with a Yield of 150 kg or More

    Cultivation Techniques for Cotton with a Yield of 150 kg or More

    In the past two years, our regiment has vigorously promoted new technologies of high-density cultivation and assembly in cotton production, strengthened the selection and promotion of new varieties, and still obtained a bumper harvest despite natural disasters and pests. What is more gratifying is that high-yield strip fields with lint yield of 150~180 kg have emerged in batches for two consecutive years. In 2003, the cotton yield (lint) of our regiment reached more than 150 kg, accounting for 37.7% of the total cotton planting area, and the cotton yield (lint) of more than 180 kg was about 1093 hectares.

  • How much is the price of plastic film mulching machine on the market at present? In what season do you use plastic film? What are the technologies?

    How much is the price of plastic film mulching machine on the market at present? In what season do you use plastic film? What are the technologies?

    Plastic film mulching refers to a measure to cover the surface with agricultural plastic film. It is a common measure not only to prevent soil erosion, but also to increase crop yield. How much is the price of the plastic film mulching machine on the market? In what season do you use plastic film? Technical

    2020-11-09 At present the market on the field plastic film mulching machine price more less money
  • There are many advantages of hose micro-sprinkler irrigation under plastic film for protected vegetables.

    There are many advantages of hose micro-sprinkler irrigation under plastic film for protected vegetables.

    There are many advantages of hose micro-sprinkler irrigation under plastic film for protected vegetables.

  • Technology of dripping Water and Fertilizer under plastic Film of Cotton

    Technology of dripping Water and Fertilizer under plastic Film of Cotton

    Cotton drip irrigation under plastic film is a new water-saving technology, which can artificially control the amount of irrigation and field microclimate, greatly alleviate the tension of head water, and control the reproductive and vegetative growth of cotton, which is conducive to shaping the ideal plant type and reducing the ineffective consumption of nutrients. Although there are still some problems in practical application, cotton in drip irrigation has the advantages of early boll opening, good quality and high yield. At the same time, drip irrigation shows unique cold resistance under special climatic conditions. in the special climate of low temperature in spring and autumn, the growth and development is normal, high yield,

  • Planting of muskmelon cultivated in small shed

    Planting of muskmelon cultivated in small shed

    The colonization period of ① is an important factor to determine early maturity and high yield. If it is planted too early, it is not easy to survive because of the low ground temperature; if it is planted late, it will not achieve the goal of precocious maturity. The earliest planting period should reach the local daily average temperature rising to 10 ℃, and under the high border plastic film.

    2020-11-08 Shed cultivation foreign cantaloupe colonization period is
  • In Kung Fu, there is no panic in the event of drought and the follow-up investment needs to be solved.

    In Kung Fu, there is no panic in the event of drought and the follow-up investment needs to be solved.

    Zhang Chunhai, a villager of Sanxing Village, Kailu County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, clearly remembers the rain in early May, when the dripping raindrops converged into a line, flowing into the cornfield that had just been sown, and into his heart. Zhang Chunhai calculated: in this way, we will not worry about it this year, and the corn harvest will be satisfactory.

    2016-03-20 Kung fu in peacetime in case of drought do not panic follow-up input wait
  • Cultivation techniques of Film mulching between large ridges and upward ridges of Soybean

    Cultivation techniques of Film mulching between large ridges and upward ridges of Soybean

    Heilongjiang Province is the main soybean producing area in China, its planting area accounts for 7% of the country's total output, accounting for 11% of the country's total output. In the process of soybean production and development, Heilongjiang reclamation area has vigorously promoted scientific and technological innovation, which has greatly improved the per unit area yield and total yield of soybean. From 2001 to 2005, the average yield per hectare reached 2531.7kg, and in 2005, the average yield per mu of soybean reached 178kg, which reached or close to that of advanced countries in the world. Cultivation techniques of Film mulching between large ridges and upward ridges of Soybean

  • What should we pay attention to when planting tobacco with plastic film mulching?

    What should we pay attention to when planting tobacco with plastic film mulching?

    What should we pay attention to when planting tobacco with plastic film mulching? Ridging and fertilizing the land. In the areas where tobacco-rice rotation is to be finished in mid-March, we must seize the favorable weather and set up ridges and fertilizers before February. After ridging, apply herbicide, and then apply hole fertilizer to break the topsoil in order to cover the film. Cover the film. The soil surface.

  • Management technology of big cherry in greenhouse

    Management technology of big cherry in greenhouse

    Management technology of big cherry in greenhouse

  • Matters needing attention in the winter with vegetables in the shed

    Matters needing attention in the winter with vegetables in the shed

    Matters needing attention in the winter with vegetables in the shed

  • The function of black and white membrane

    The function of black and white membrane

    Black and white film can keep warm in winter. It is widely used in our country, including edible fungus greenhouse, livestock and poultry breeding house, silkworm greenhouse, vegetable greenhouse and so on. Other greenhouse films: 1. Blue agricultural film the greenhouse film of this color has good heat preservation performance and weak light transmittance.

    2020-11-09 Black and white film function black and white in winter have keep warm
  • What about the burned vegetables covered with plastic film?

    What about the burned vegetables covered with plastic film?

    What about the burned vegetables covered with plastic film?

  • Drip irrigation under plastic film for cotton cultivation

    Drip irrigation under plastic film for cotton cultivation

    1. Preparation before sowing 1. Variety selection: According to climate and soil conditions, select varieties with growth period of about 130 days, resistance to wilt and verticillium wilt; compact plant type, short fruit branches I ~ II, small growth angle; moderate small leaves, short petioles, difficult to produce fried dough sticks; strong boll setting and good fiber quality. Such as 9665, JD~3, Fengmian 8, Jiumian 2, etc. 2. Deep application of basal fertilizer: the amount of chemical fertilizer is 8~12 kg of pure nitrogen, 7~10 kg of phosphorus pentoxide and 3.5 kg of potassium oxide. When ploughing and stubble cleaning, farm manure

  • What about the latest burned vegetables covered with plastic film?

    What about the latest burned vegetables covered with plastic film?

    In recent years, plastic film mulching is often used to cultivate vegetables in the process of vegetable production. Plastic film mulching technology can not only increase the ground temperature, reduce water evaporation, prevent ground consolidation, but also reduce the humidity in the greenhouse and reduce the occurrence and spread of diseases. But if

    2020-11-10 The latest plastic film mulching burns vegetables how to do in recent years
  • The latest course of management techniques and methods of big cherry in greenhouse

    The latest course of management techniques and methods of big cherry in greenhouse

    Cherry is now a popular fruit in our country. When many people plant cherries, they mainly plant them in the open air. The use of greenhouse planting is actually more powerful for the yield and quality of cherries. Can effectively reduce all kinds of bad phenomena.

    2020-11-10 Latest greenhouse big cherry management technology methods tutorials cherries
  • Ten regiments of the first division of agriculture pioneered a new dry farming technique of drip irrigation under plastic film for rice.

    Ten regiments of the first division of agriculture pioneered a new dry farming technique of drip irrigation under plastic film for rice.

    In 2010, the first Agricultural Division and the Ten Regiment of the production and Construction Corps used new science and technology to transform traditional agriculture. According to the serious shortage of water resources and the disadvantage of being located in the lower reaches of the water supply unit of the first division, the independently developed new rice drip irrigation and dry sowing machine was used in rice production, which has been vigorously promoted by Alar, a division. According to Kong Jun, deputy commander in charge of agriculture in the first division, this cultivation model not only ensures that rice planting saves not only labor, but also water resources and farmland costs, and is conducive to increasing production and efficiency of rice.

  • How does the happiness tree reproduce?

    How does the happiness tree reproduce?

    The scientific name of Happiness Tree is Bean Tree, which is hot, humid and sunny. It is resistant to high temperature, cold, moist and dry. It is suitable for cultivation to use loam and sandy loam with loose, fertile, well drained and rich organic matter, flowering from May to September and fruiting from October to December.
